Breathing Techniques for Anxiety

Breathing Techniques for Anxiety

Navigating waves of anxiety, can feel like an uphill battle. The idea of breathing techniques for anxiety may sound plausible in the abstract - when you're reading a blog post - but in the moment, when you're actually experiencing the anxiety, it can seem ridiculous....

What Is A Panic Attack?

What Is A Panic Attack?

Panic attacks can be very frightening. The heart beat accelerates and sweating and panting are common. You may think you’re about to faint - or even that you’re going to die. Though the exact form differs for everyone, there are four repeated characteristics of panic...

How To Be Resilient

How To Be Resilient

Resilient. It's one of those words which pop up all the time in the virtual space. I’ve mentally bracketed it away with other things like ‘confidence’ or ‘self-esteem’, qualities which we imagine more successful people have been born with, but which we ourselves lack....

The Body Speaks

The Body Speaks

On my bookshelves is an actor’s manual called ‘The Body Speaks’. In this wonderful book, Lorna Marshall explores, through theatre exercises, how the body mediates human experience. As she says, 'it is our body that climbs the mountain, whispers in another’s ear,...